215, Satymev

Ahmedabad 380060

4 to 8 P.M.

Monday - Saturday

Interventional pulmonary procedure guidance

Interventional pulmonary procedures are minimally invasive procedures performed by pulmonologists to diagnose and treat various lung conditions.

Interventional pulmonary procedures can be helpful in diagnosing and treating various lung conditions, including lung cancer, infections, and other respiratory diseases. These procedures are minimally invasive and often have a shorter recovery time compared to traditional surgical procedures. However, interventional pulmonary procedures still carry some risks, such as bleeding or infection. Therefore, it is important to have guidance on these procedures to ensure that they are performed safely and effectively. By following guidance on interventional pulmonary procedures, pulmonologists can provide optimal care to their patients and minimize any potential risks or complications associated with these procedures.

Here is some guidance on common interventional pulmonary procedures:

Bronchoscopy: Bronchoscopy is a procedure in which a flexible tube called a bronchoscope is inserted into the mouth or nose and down into the lungs. The bronchoscope allows the pulmonologist to view the airways and take samples of lung tissue or fluid for analysis.

Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS): EBUS is a procedure that uses a bronchoscope with an ultrasound probe attached to it to examine the structures around the lungs, such as lymph nodes, and take biopsies if necessary.

Electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB): ENB is a procedure that uses electromagnetic technology to guide the bronchoscope to hard-to-reach areas of the lungs for biopsies or to place markers for radiation therapy.

Pleuroscopy: Pleuroscopy is a procedure in which a small camera is inserted through a small incision in the chest wall to examine the lining of the lungs and chest cavity. Biopsies and fluid samples can also be taken.

Thoracentesis: Thoracentesis is a procedure in which a needle is inserted through the chest wall to remove fluid from the space between the lungs and chest wall.

Chest tube insertion: Chest tube insertion is a procedure in which a tube is inserted through the chest wall to drain air, blood, or fluid from the chest cavity.

It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of each procedure with your pulmonologist before undergoing any interventional pulmonary procedure.